Electroencephalography (EEG) is a method to record the electrical activity of the brain. It uses metal discs called electrodes that are placed on the scalp. To record the electrical activity in the brain. it sends signals to a computer that records the results. The electrical impulses in an EEG look like waves or lines. These lines allow doctors access to abnormal patterns. If there are abnormal pattern occurs then it leads to various health problems. For example, some of these abnormal patterns mean you have trauma, stroke, brain tumor, or seizures.
Suppose you have partial seizures, spikes, and sharp waves on the EEG. This means your specific area of the brain is affected by seizures, and get ready because a seizure may damage your brain. In this article, we help you understand EEG and ERG, Discuss the power of breathing exercises, and much more. Let’s dive in!
Understanding EEG and ERG
Let’s discuss in details what EEG and ERG are why they are used how they affect our body
What is an Electroencephalogram (EEG)?
An electroencephalogram or EEG is used to record the activity of the brain. In the process of EEG, small sensors are attached to your scalp. These sensors pick up the brain signal produced by your scalp. These electrical signals are recorded by the machine and looked up by a doctor. There are highly trained technicians and neurophysiologists who record the EEG procedure.
If you are suffering from the following conditions, then EEG can help you to diagnose and monitor such conditions:
1. Detect the types of seizures (fits)
2. Encephalopathy, also called brain dysfunction
3. Brain inflammation
4. Sleeping disorders
EEG can used when you are suffering from these conditions. An EEG may help you to diagnose epilepsy also
What is an Electroretinogram (ERG)?
The electroretinogram or ERG is a diagnostic test. That is used to measures the electrical activity of the part of the eye retina. ERG’s main objective is to measure the retinal function that records the physiological conditions. ERGs are often recorded using a thin fiber electrode placed with the cornea and embedded within a corneal contact lens. Retina permits electrical activity that is recorded at the corneal surface.
What diseases is my doctor looking for with an ERG?
There are several conditions of retina that doctors look to identify what is happening in the eye
1. Usher syndrome
2. Leber’s congenital amaurosis
3. Choroideremia
4. Night Blindness
5. Achromatopsia
6. Retinal Detachment
Interpreting EEG Results
EEG data is represented in the form of waves on a graph. In this, the x-axis represents time, and the y-axis represents the voltage and amplitude of the waves of the brain. Waveforms can change when a specific brain is performing EEG. The data is described in the raw form. EEG data can be combined with imaging techniques to create brain maps. Analyzing EEG data can be challenging, so we have specialist neurologists to calculate these results in the lifecare center of diagnosis.
How neurologists interpret scalp EEG readings?
With the help of EEG, neurologists can read eight different brain areas. When neurologists start performing the EEG test on the patient, the lines will go up and down. It means there is an extra activity in your brain; these additional activities will ultimately lead to various medical problems. The reason is the flashing strobe lights that show the damage in your brain. Different features extract different brain functions with the help of EEG readings.
Can emotions be detected with EEG?
It’s tough to predict human behavior or emotions. These emotions directly come from the brain. Many researchers try to predict human emotions with the help of EEG. They used brain signals such as EEG signals to associate emotions with facial expressions.
EEG signals can objectively reflect people’s emotional state in a real-time stage. There are different ways to obtain emotions, such as with the help of facial emotions. EEG collected these signals from subjects to extract the development of dry electrode technology evaluate emotions with the help of EEG acquisition
Overview of Breathing Exercise
Breathing exercises provide overall efficiency to the lungs. Our autonomic nervous system can control breathing. And gives efficiency to the lungs. Breathing exercises benefit everyone, whether you have healthy or damaged lungs.
The presence of many lung-related diseases that are left unchecked over time can decrease the amount of oxygen you gain and carbon dioxide you release. That ultimately leads to panic attacks, physical damage, and emotional disturbance. Breathing exercise has many health benefits, such as enhancing the respiratory system and improving ventilation, strengthening your muscles, and helping you to avoid stress and anxiety.
Limitations and Considerations For EEG Test
Besides the incredible benefits of EEG, it has various limitations.
- EEG is most sensitive to synaptic potentials. Most important is its poor spatial resolution.
- EEG recordings do not directly capture axonal potential.
- The error while diagnosed with EEG can sometimes lead to misdiagnosis of the patient.
- EEG can be exposed to potential risks when detecting Seizure-related trauma like injuries, fractures, or falls.
- Sometimes, the video EEG may not provide a conclusive diagnosis.
Benefits of Breathing Exercise
Deep breathing helps cleanse, open, and soothe different body parts. Breathing exercises help our life’s longevity and make us healthier and free of disease. Here are a few benefits of deep breathing:
Improve Quality of Sleep:
Breathing exercises help us by providing quality sleep by keeping our bodies relaxed and calming our minds. They also help us reduce stress and anxiety.
Enhance Cognitive Functions:
Breathing exercises can improve concentration and focus, enhance memory, and help us make essential decisions in life calmly.
Improve Cardiovascular Health:
It helps maintain blood pressure levels and reduces the incidence of stroke and heart disease. Overall, it benefits our cardiovascular health a lot.
Improves digestion:
Remember, the more you breathe, the healthier your body is. It increases the blood flow you produce and allows organs to function more effectively.
Maintain a Good Posture
It helps support correct posture. When you breathe in, it simultaneously straightens your spine. This is because when you breathe, the lungs take up maximum space, your diaphragm pulls down, and it helps strengthen your body.
Breathing Exercise and Seizures
A wide range of treatments are available for reducing seizures; according to a study, seizures will be reduced by practicing effective breathing methods. If the patient with seizures is trying breathing exercises, it helps relax their muscles and reduces seizures. These mindfulness-based therapies, muscle relaxation, and deep breathing help a lot in reducing stress and the frequency of seizures in patients
Why do breathing exercises induce seizures?
Breathing “exercises” do not induce seizures but treat a seizure disorder that can induce proper breathing exercises. This form of seizure disorder used to be called a “petit mal” seizure. It mainly occurs in children.
To test this disorder in EEG, the patient is asked to take deep breaths during the EEG test. After that, The brain sends signals that constrict the arteries. That triggers the absence of seizures if the patient is prone to having them. During the test, the child may make some facial movements but will not remember anything happening in the EEG.
To treat seizures various medications are available. You can consult your neurologist and take the medications that best for your child.
Does an EEG test show that seizures have happened?
An EEG device measures the currents arising in different parts of the brain. It has small electrodes that detect the external waves. The EEG Test detects the brain’s electrical currents as waves on a graph.
If a person has an epileptic seizure during an EEG, then their brain activity shows continuous wave patterns. Doctors refer to this as epileptiform brain activity (EBA). This brain activity produces a spike-and-wave pattern on an EEG graph, meaning the waves appear high and steep when seizures occur.
To detect seizures, neuropsychologists perform assessments. Speech and cognitive experts, who can take pictures of a person’s seizures and tell us what treatment is helpful.
The Verdict
Exercise is good for everyone, every disease, and every health condition. It has also benefited people with seizures. Sometimes, healthy breathing exercises can trigger seizures, but according to many studies on Seizures and deep breathing, it’s rare.
However, it can offer positive physiological changes that improve seizure control through improving overall health. People with seizures may not participate in activities that risks their seizures, such as the sports activities that lead to overexertion, over-heating, dehydration, and low blood sugar
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