Lifecare Diagnostics Center is an ultramodern Diagnostic Centre with comprehensive facilities for Laboratory, Imaging investigations & other diagnostic facilities, under one roof. Established in 1995, as a private limited company in Mumbai, this is the first center with such facilities in the Andheri suburb that is equipped with state-of-art fully computerized & automated machines from reputed companies. Having been in the diagnostic’s business for all most two decades we have gained valuable experience through the multitude of tests performed. At the core is our highly skilled team of medical professionals including physicians, medical technologists, medical technicians, and lab assistants who work collaboratively. We are dedicated to comprehensive, high- quality, rapid-response laboratory testing at affordable prices. We use advanced technologies to provide information that is critical to the diagnosis and ultimately the treatment of all diseases. We provide screening, diagnosis, and prognosis testing services to physicians, nursing homes, and companies. Our service portfolio includes Advanced pathology, Radiology, Mammography, BMD (DEXA), Sonography, Cardiac Imaging, Dental, Ophthalmology, ENT/Audiometry, etc. For the convenience of patients in various areas, Lifecare has a wide network of various sub-centers and collection centers, we also have a 24-hrs Day & Night pathology Centre with the latest and high-end pathology equipment to attend to any emergencies. We would like to invite investors and prospective business owners looking to venture into the Diagnostic industry to come to grow with us.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Vinay Goel
There is Growing demand for improved public health infrastructure due to the country‘s high population and increasing disease profile. With an increasing incidence of lifestyle diseases (approx. 33 percent of the total pie) and a growing geriatric and pediatric population, there is an emphasis on the need for specialty care. The present demand for quality in healthcare services is also accelerated by market forces such as medical awareness, insurance, and corporate sectors. As a result of this, there is a growing demand from the public for better healthcare.