Following are few of the frequently asked questions Should there be any query in your mind, please do not hesitate contacting us, our team at Lifecare would love to answer the same.
Cure your body before it blows into an illness Understand the signals that your body gives with a health check-up even when I am healthy.
Almost once a year, more often if you are subject to various risk factors
Health checkup is not for not for a particular age group. It is for people who love being healthy. It is suggested for people above 35 years and above all corporate executives, as they are subjected to enormous stress, mental tension, dietary imbalance, pollution, living a sedentary life style, various toxic drugs, etc.
Yes, kindly click on "Book an Appointment" and provide your complete address and the time to schedule your visit.
Yes fasting is required for most of the routine hematology and biochemical investigations unless specified otherwise by the doctor. Tests generally requiring fasting include Lipid profile, Thyroid, Fasting Blood Sugar, Insulin etc.
Yes, for every patient a new, sealed blood collection device is used which is then disposed with needle cutters etc. to prevent re-use.
Most of reports can be given on the same day evening and certain specialized investigations can be done in a day or two. You can also view and download reports from our website once ready.
Yes, kindly click on Health Package to select the suitable one for you.
With newer equipment very little discomfort is felt by the patient. The patient should preferably come after the period is over, as the likelihood of pain will be the least. However there will be no changes in the findings on mammography during any stage of the menstrual cycle.
With newer equipment very little discomfort is felt by the patient. The patient should preferably come after the period is over, as the likelihood of pain will be the least. However there will be no changes in the findings on mammography during any stage of the menstrual cycle.
Sonomammography is sonography of the breasts It is usually done as a complementary procedure to mammography. It helps in distinguishing a cystic mass from a solid mass Cysts are usually benign. Mammography is required as the earliest of cancers are seen only on this modality.
Bone Densitometry (BMD) by DEXA method, is currently accepted as being a quick, simple, painless examination that is currently the most sensitive screening tool used to detect bone loss in early stages of osteoporosis It also is the least expensive and most cost effective method for this type of examination.
It helps you to find and treat serious bone loss, called osteoporosis, and prevent fractures and disability. In India, 1 in 6 women over 50 years old will break their femur (hip), while 1 in 4 will suffer severe fractures in one or more bones The death rate from osteoporosis-related fractures is greater than deaths caused by breast and ovarian cancer combined!
BMD uses an extremely small amount of X-rays (less than 1/10 that used for a chest X-ray) to measure the thickness or density of your bones The exam takes less than 15 minutes
Bone Densitometry is a tool used to predict the possibility of a fracture. The resulting measurements of your bone density are compared to what is expected of someone your age, sex, size and ethnic background. It is also compared to what is estimated to be bone density of a young healthy adult of the same sex. The information allows your doctor to determine if you have osteoporosis and the likelihood of a fracture happening. The best course of treatment can then be determined. The ability of BMD to predict fractures is undisputed. It is similar to blood pressure predicting strokes and is more effective than using cholesterol to predict heart disease.
DXA scan involves laying on a couch for approximately 10 minutes while a tiny X-ray detector scans your spine, your hip or both. The scan itself is safe and painless
To find out: How hard the heart can work before symptoms develop. How quickly the heart recovers after exercise. The patients overall level of cardiovascular conditioning.
The total time required for the test will be about 30 minutes
There is very little risk in taking the test in healthy person - no more than if a person walks fat or jogs up a big hill. During the test the cardiologist and a technician are always present.
2D-Echocardiogram is a non-invasive procedure that uses sound waves (ultrasound) to evaluate how well the heart is working.
The test will help doctor - To determine the hearts overall function. To evaluate size of the heart and its pumping chambers (ventricles). To visualized how well the heart is moving. To evaluate how well the valves are working. To see if there is any structural defect (like hole in the partitions of heart's chambers and narrowing or absence of valve/s). To see if there is any evidence of blood clot, tumor or infection of the heart valves To see if there is any fluid around the heart.
Color Doppler is a special ultrasound technique, which allows us to evaluate blood vessels
The average amount of exposure to an X-ray is very low and is well within the acceptable amount recommended.
The X-ray technician should be informed and he should cover the lower abdomen with a lead apron. In case one's pregnancy status is unknown, it is still a good idea to ask for protective cover.
Ultrasonography enables to detect and investigate: all diseases of the organs of the abdominal cavity in early stages tumors of uterus and ovaries and abnormalities of reproductive organs maturation of eggs and changes of endometrium in different stages of menstrual cycle early pregnancy, including entopic pregnancy development of fetuses and possible malformations of fetuses position of the fetus, position of the placenta in the uterus and changes in it. It is also possible to estimate the quantity of amniotic fluid, evaluate heart function and breathing movements of the fetus
Ultrasound waves cannot penetrate air & bone and hence sonography has limited applications in regions like the skull and chest.
No harmful effects of sonography are known even on the embryo of the foetus of a pregnant women.
3D sonography is 3 Dimensional display of the surface of a structure like a foetal face/spine or any other part of the body.
It is sonography done for better visualisation of uterus & ovaries A high-resolution endovaginal probe is inserted into the vagina for this examination. It is not painful. It is done as a routine at our centre as it is observed that at times even fairly prominent lesions can be missed if only trans-abdominal sonography is performed. It does nor require a full bladder.
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